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Leesburg Civic Ballet

Enriching The Community Through Local Performances By Elite Trained Ballet Dancers

Leesburg Civic Ballet is a division of the Dance Academy of Loudoun and offers top level ballet training and community performances to Loudoun County and surrounding areas. 


Every December, Leesburg Civic Ballet presents an annual Nutcracker Ballet performance. Our dancers spread the joy of the season through this classical tradition. Select roles such as Mice, Angels, Polichinelles, Candy Canes, Rats & Soldiers are open for enrollment by any Dance Academy of Loudoun student. All other roles such as Clara, Sugarplum, Snow Corps, Flowers, Spanish, Arabian, etc are all performed by members of the Leesburg Civic Ballet Company. 


In addition to our annual Nutcracker, the Leesburg Civic Ballet Company also performs a spring ballet which changes every season. Recently, they have performed Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, Coppelia, Giselle, Midsummer Night's Dream, The Little Mermaid, and many more. 


Leesburg Civic Ballet Company Dancers take a ballet company rehearsal class once a week in addition to regular ballet technique classes. Dancers 12+ have the opportunity to train on pointe once they have been evaluated by an instructor and have taken the appropriate technique classes to prepare. Leesburg Civic Ballet company dancers begin at age 6 with 2.5 hrs of ballet classes per week and progress through age 18 with 5+ hours of ballet technique classes per week. 


If you would like to be evaluated for a spot in our Leesburg Civic Ballet Company, reach out to us today to set up an evaluation. 

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